Dementia Friendly Lunch and Learn
March 28th at 12:00 pm
Expressive Arts Therapy
In this presentation, Franci DuMar M.A. RD T, will discuss how Expressive Arts Therapy is used in treatment, why it is effective, and how you may incorporate creative techniques into your daily life to help foster positive relationships, experience relief, and strengthen hope for yourself and your loved ones.
FRIDAY, April 25th at 12:00 pm
Adaptive Devices for Memory Loss
Jennifer O’Connor, Assisted Technology Specialist for Easter Seals, has offered to bring assistive technology items to this presentation to demonstrate how they can help those with memory and fine motor issues. Easter Seals supports people of any age with disabilities in using assistive devices to create independence and participate in society.
Sherborn Town Hall, 2nd Floor
19 Washington Street
Sherborn, MA 01770
Please RSVP to the Sherborn COA at [email protected] or by calling 508-651-7858
This series is made possible by the generous funding from the Bay State Federal Savings Bank Charitable Foundation.