This Thursday’s Cafe will be held at Town Hall, 2nd Floor. We will be showing Barefoot in the Park, a classic movie to help celebrate Valentine’s Day. Pizza will also be served.
Sand Delivery
The DPW is filling sand buckets during the winter months. We can provide a bucket if you don’t have one. Please contact the COA office to place your name on the delivery list at 508-651-7858 | [email protected]
Transportation services are provided by JFK Transportation Discounted tickets are available through the COA Office. Please contact us for more information. Dial-A-Ride is also a transportation option.
UMass Community Assessment Results /November 2022
Click here to read the COA Code of Conduct policy.
New: Welcome to Sherborn Resource Directory
We partnered wtih Pilgrim Church and offered a series of workshops “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” The series of workshops were recorded. You can view them by clicking here.