The Sherborn Council on Aging provides advocacy and support systems for our senior citizens by working with them to maintain and improve their independence and quality of life.

COA Updates

The Community Coffee Bar (formerly Sit ‘N Sip), will be held on Wednesdays from 9:30 -Noon. It will be held at the Sherborn Community Center. No reservations needed.

Please welcome our new Assistant Director, Maura Bennett. She will be out and about this week getting acquainted with events and residents. You can always stop by the office to say hello and welcome. We are very excited she has joined our team.

September 12th @ 9:00 am. Joy from Joys of Nature will be our special guest.

Mens Lunch is Friday, September 13th at noon. Meet us at the Fireside Tavern.  Please RSVP to the office so we can have a count

Click here to check out our fall line-up of Lifetime Learning classes. 

Thursday Cafes start on Thursday, Sept.12th. We are looking for volunteers or you may be eligible to get paid through the Senior Tax Credit program. Call Melinda at the office for more information.

Our weekly walks that are held at the Holliston Rail Trail on Centre Street are starting on September 12th @ 9:00 am. Joy from Joys of Nature will be our special guest.

Transportation services are provided by JFK Transportation Discounted tickets are available through the COA Office. Please contact us for more information. Dial-A-Ride is also a transportation option.

Please Note: There is a new timeline for those using the transportation coupons for JFK, especially for medical rides. As soon as you have an appointment, call JFK to reserve your ride. It is recommended that you call 2 weeks in advance. They are experiencing many requests for rides and book up fast. You can also fill out an application for Dial-A-Ride as an alternative transportation option.

UMass Community Assessment Results /November 2022

New: Welcome to Sherborn Resource Directory

We recently partnered wtih Pilgrim Church and offered a series of workshops “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” The series of workshops were recorded. You can view them by clicking here.

Upcoming Events

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