Lifetime Learning

Lifetime Learning provides all Sherborn adults and seniors from neighboring towns with an opportunity to have fun learning each fall and winter/spring “semester.”

We offer classes in-person and remotely. The remote option is not always available.

We are always looking for new instructors and subject matter. If you are a retired college professor and would be interested in teaching a class please contact the office at 508-651-7858 or email [email protected].

We are always open to new subject matter for classes. You can view classes by clicking the button below or on the monthly calendar pages (click on Calendar on the left side bar).

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot refund payments that are requested three weeks prior to the start of the class, for missed classes, or classes that already have begun. We offer classes according to the number of registrations we receive so we can manage our expenses.

View Lifetime Learning Brochure

There are 2 ways to register for our Lifetime Learning courses:

1. Register and Pay online at th.e same time using Unibank

This is the quickest method for registration and payment.  This allows you to sign up for courses and pay for them online in one easy transaction! You will need your checking account information in order to complete the process, in addition to knowing the course name and cost. This is your quickest method of enrollment. There is a $0.50 fee per transaction that will automatically be charged at the end of your transaction. You can sign up for up to 8 courses in just 1 transaction!

Pay online at Scroll down the page to Online payment system. You will then be brought to the Unipay website, choose “Other Departments”, Council on Aging and then choose the Lifetime Learning tab and choose your classes.

If you have an account with Unipay you can log in or choose “Check out as Guest” and continue with placing the order.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, call the office at 508-651-7858.

2. Register and Pay at the Sherborn Town Hall.

Print the registration form and fill it out by hand. Make a check payable to “The Town of Sherborn”. Mail or bring them in person to the Collector’s office:

Sherborn Town Hall
19 Washington Street
Sherborn. MA 01770

The Collector’s office now accepts payment by credit card. 

**Please note: The Council on Aging office is no longer able to accept payments for Lifetime Learning classes. All payments must be processed through the Collector’s office.

The Collector’s office is open Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Courses are filled first-come, first-serve. Don’t wait as some courses will fill up very quickly. Others could be canceled due to a lack of participation.  No refunds after classes have begun. Call the COA office with any questions at 508-651-7858.  We can NOT take registrations over the phone.  Please do not ask us to save you a spot.

SNOW POLICY— If the Sherborn schools are canceled, there will be no COA programs or activities.