Older Adult Resource Fair
Wednesday, April 16, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Sherborn Library, Community Room
This event brings together those aged 55 and over, caregivers, and the general community to learn, connect, and celebrate aging well.
Attendees can ask questions and gain insight into Social Security and Medicare as well as other benefit programs, sample meal delivery services, learn about homecare and senior housing options, wellness and safety programs, and more.
Transportation services are provided by JFK Transportation Discounted tickets are available through the COA Office. Please contact us for more information. Dial-A-Ride is also a transportation option.
UMass Community Assessment Results /November 2022
Click here to read the COA Code of Conduct policy.
New: Welcome to Sherborn Resource Directory
We partnered wtih Pilgrim Church and offered a series of workshops “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” The series of workshops were recorded. You can view them by clicking here.